SolarCare - Solar InnoWorkshop

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Solar InnoWorkshop X AYP: DIY Solar Torch

CarbonCare InnoLab (CCIL)'s Jockey Club SolarCare Programme installs solar PV systems for NGOs so that these organisations could benefit from FiT rebates, and work together to promote the use of renewable energy in Hong Kong. We have installed a total of 108 solar panels for our SolarCare Partner The Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP) at their Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp and the Jockey Club Expeditions Centre on 22 August 2022, and 15 September 2022, respectively.

On 28 January 2024, AYP held its largest annual event, " BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2024". More than 800 people participated in the orienteering race. There was also a grand carnival after the race and many local organisations and groups were invited to set up booths there, including Hong Kong Playground Association, Scout Association of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps, etc. The Green Earth was invited to assist in recycling and waste management.

CCIL is glad to participate this event. We held 3 sessions of Solar Torch Workshop at the carnival and approximately forty people attended. We first explained the current climate change situation and solar energy knowledge to the participants, allowing them to understand the importance of using renewable energy. Then, we guided the participants to create a solar torch. They had to aim the wooden blocks at the grooves between each other and then use a wooden mallet to assemble the torch. The torches were made of recycled wood, compact and delicate, making them easy to carry. Many parents brought their children to join, and they were all very focused in doing the assemble work.

We hope that this workshop can bring solar energy to our daily lives through solar torches, which would remind us the benefit of using renewable energy. 

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