Paris Watch - Youth Training

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The Fourth Session of the 4th Climate Advocacy Training for Youth (CATY)

The fourth training session was successfully held on May 27, 2023 with the theme "Climate Advocacy Skills: Persuasive Speech". This session we continued to discuss approaches to our advocacy group projects.

In this session, we were honoured to have Mr. Ching Chin Wai share his experience of advocacy in the local labour movement. He shared how to bring advocacy to life and bring up the forgotten voices of the minority into the system. His creative examples broadened our imagination and thinking towards driving changes. 

In the second half of the session, we were happy to have Mr. Chan Kim Ching share his experience in research and policy advocacy. He also introduced tools and frameworks for developing advocacy projects. He also listened to areas students are working on and shared his advice. This session provided valuable reference and encouragement to students on prospects to advocacy.

Our students are now actively working on various issues, next will be collecting data and public opinions in the coming month to prepare for the next steps of advocacy.

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