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Popularity Award & Best Potential Award

地盤流動小助手 - 「油天仔仔」(Portable Solar Resting Station)


Name of Participants:

Cheung yik Hei, Ma Ching Hin Tristan, Lam Pui Yau, Loo Mark, CHAN YEE KIU


Representing Organisation:

Yaumati Catholic Primary School (Hoi Wang Road)


Product Description:

Hong Kong experiences extremely high temperatures during the summer, affecting the health and even the safety of construction workers. However, employers often overlook the needs of frontline workers due to tight deadlines and cost concerns.

In response to this, the team from Yaumati Catholic Primary School (Hoi Wang Road) designed a solar-powered mobile resting station called the "Construction Mobile Assistant" (地盤流動小助手) for construction workers. The solar panels on the mobile vehicle provide power to various equipment, including a cooling fan and an air humidifier to lower the workers' temperature, an infrared thermometer to detect their body temperature and prevent heatstroke, as well as additional accessories such as umbrellas, stools, and power sockets.