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Solar Elite Group - 1st Runner Up

Solar Heater - 智熄「碳」


Name of Participants:

梁宇瑩, 潘卓琪, 黃竣逸, 田仲文, 鄺蔓蓁, 許榛


Representing Organisation:

C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School


Product Description:

In Hong Kong, where land is scarce and population density is high, six students from the C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School hope to use solar energy to make substandard housing more comfortable throughout the year and help residents save on electricity.

Their invention, called "Solar Heater" consists of solar panels, battery storage, an absorber coil, a water pump, a fan heat exchanger, and a micro:bit. It can automatically detect temperatures and provide cool or warm air to regulate the temperature inside the substandard housing. It is also suitable for use by pets, taking inspiration from the school's tortoise house.